Western Astrology

Solar Return Aspects Report/solar_return_aspects_report

The solar_return_aspects_report API provides a report on the astrological aspects that will occur during a solar return, and the response includes information on the planets involved in the aspect, the type of aspect, the orb, and a forecast for how the aspect may affect the individual, including potential challenges and opportunities for personal growth.

API Endpoint : solar_return_aspects_report
Method : POST
Full URL :

Request Data

ParamsData typeDescriptions

day required

month required

year required

hour required

min required

lat required

lon required

tzone required









date of birth, eg: 10

month of birth, eg: 5

year of birth, eg: 1990

hour, eg: 19

minute, eg: 55

latitude, eg: 19.2056

longitude, eg: 25.2056

timezone, eg: 5.5

Response Data

		"solar_return_planet": "Uranus",
		"natal_planet": "Neptune",
		"type": "Opposition",
		"orb": 0,
		"forecast": "This year you may feel that time is running out and there is so much to do in this short time span of your life. You are more likely to feel anxious and even desperate to achieve what you want. The stars will simply try to show you an entirely new level of being, but unless you've been devoutly spiritual your whole life, there's a good chance that what's thrown your way will really just leave you confused (and that's probably true even if you are spiritual). You'll be well aware that something is going on that's well beyond your grasp, so you'll try to compensate by trying out new -- and likely crazy -- things in your life. New cars, new relationships, new jobs -- and all in an effort to understand your place in this universe. Calm down and realize that drastic changes in your material life won't offer much solace, you'll need to go deeper. You may also experience sleep problems both in the form of insomnia and crazy dreams. If you're awake, you'll wish you could sleep, and when you're sleeping, you may just wish you were awake. It may start to seem like you just can't win. That's certainly not the case, but staying afloat will definitely take more effort than normal. Turn to your spiritual beliefs for aid and guidance. Activities like meditation or prayer can help you bring your focus back to what's important. "
		"solar_return_planet": "Neptune",
		"natal_planet": "Uranus",
		"type": "Opposition",
		"orb": 0,
		"forecast": "This year you may feel that time is running out and there is so much to do in this short time span of your life. You are more likely to feel anxious and even desperate to achieve what you want. The stars will simply try to show you an entirely new level of being, but unless you've been devoutly spiritual your whole life, there's a good chance that what's thrown your way will really just leave you confused (and that's probably true even if you are spiritual). You'll be well aware that something is going on that's well beyond your grasp, so you'll try to compensate by trying out new -- and likely crazy -- things in your life. New cars, new relationships, new jobs -- and all in an effort to understand your place in this universe. Calm down and realize that drastic changes in your material life won't offer much solace, you'll need to go deeper. You may also experience sleep problems both in the form of insomnia and crazy dreams. If you're awake, you'll wish you could sleep, and when you're sleeping, you may just wish you were awake. It may start to seem like you just can't win. That's certainly not the case, but staying afloat will definitely take more effort than normal. Turn to your spiritual beliefs for aid and guidance. Activities like meditation or prayer can help you bring your focus back to what's important. "
		"solar_return_planet": "Sun",
		"natal_planet": "Saturn",
		"type": "Trine",
		"orb": 2.69,
		"forecast": "Self realization and self actualization is something you will learn this year. This will be an excellent year to take a close look at who you are and what you need to do to improve your life. You'll have all the discipline you need to do that job and do it well -- as well as whatever anyone else requests of you. So, it comes as no surprise that your job will go remarkably well for you. You can take on any project you're handed, and not only will the results be perfect, but you'll enjoy the work. You're decisive in your actions, and your grounded mentality will just add to your comfortable sense of responsibility. With such a strong focus on work, though, it may be surprising how important love is to you right now. The next 12 months will see you in a committed and dedicated frame of mind, and you'll be eager to take a more serious look at moving romance to the next level. In the midst of all of this, take some time to try to get to know yourself a bit better, too. You're on the track to self-discovery, and the timing is right for you to make some drastic changes -- if that's what you decide you want. You may find yourself giving more importance to love, compassion, freedom , peace instead of materialistic pleasure. It's more like an awakening period for you. "
		"solar_return_planet": "Saturn",
		"natal_planet": "Sun",
		"type": "Trine",
		"orb": 2.69,
		"forecast": "Self realization and self actualization is something you will learn this year. This will be an excellent year to take a close look at who you are and what you need to do to improve your life. You'll have all the discipline you need to do that job and do it well -- as well as whatever anyone else requests of you. So, it comes as no surprise that your job will go remarkably well for you. You can take on any project you're handed, and not only will the results be perfect, but you'll enjoy the work. You're decisive in your actions, and your grounded mentality will just add to your comfortable sense of responsibility. With such a strong focus on work, though, it may be surprising how important love is to you right now. The next 12 months will see you in a committed and dedicated frame of mind, and you'll be eager to take a more serious look at moving romance to the next level. In the midst of all of this, take some time to try to get to know yourself a bit better, too. You're on the track to self-discovery, and the timing is right for you to make some drastic changes -- if that's what you decide you want. You may find yourself giving more importance to love, compassion, freedom , peace instead of materialistic pleasure. It's more like an awakening period for you. "
		"solar_return_planet": "Saturn",
		"natal_planet": "Uranus",
		"type": "Trine",
		"orb": 2.79,
		"forecast": "This year an agreement between the old, traditional way of doing things and the new, progressive approach to life will be made. It will be a pleasing state for you to be in, as you'll feel both comfortable with your surroundings and excited about the potential for the future. You'll have a natural ability to create order from chaos, and you'll move in a slow and steady manner towards progress, which will provide ample change without being too shocking or scary. When it comes to romance or your career, you'll find your approach this year can bring you happiness and success. An established relationship can be revived with small but special changes -- maybe a date night each week for just the two of you. Or, if you've had trouble finding someone worth dating seriously, you might want to change your techniques. Join a progressive group or organization that you might not otherwise consider -- perhaps meeting someone who isn't quite so like-minded could spice things up a bit. And at work, just be your natural, hardworking self. Your employers will be impressed by you original and methodical approach to getting the job done. "
		"solar_return_planet": "Saturn",
		"natal_planet": "Neptune",
		"type": "Sextile",
		"orb": 2.79,
		"forecast": "From this birthday until next your spiritual world and material world will start to blend beautifully and they will continue to intermingle well throughout the year. This will be a pleasant, thoughtful experience as you'll likely become much more reflective and introspective. It's an excellent opportunity to develop a stronger understanding of your place in this world. Creative urges will be plentiful, but they won't be enough; you'll need to pull out whatever utensil you prefer, be it pen, brush, computer, hammer or something else, and turn your ideas into reality. Don't just turn to your imagination for escape, but use it as a guide to help you maneuver through this world. You may notice you're more cautious than usual because you're afraid that the ideals you dream up couldn't possibly come true in real life. Quite frankly, you'll be right. True perfection is impossible, and one of the lessons you'll need to learn this year will be that it's okay to accept something in an as-good-as-it-can-be state rather than holding out for an ideal that will never happen. You'll have the ability to make some amazing headway with your life as long as you don't let any fears of imperfection (or anything else) hold you back. "
		"solar_return_planet": "Uranus",
		"natal_planet": "Saturn",
		"type": "Trine",
		"orb": 2.79,
		"forecast": "This year an agreement between the old, traditional way of doing things and the new, progressive approach to life will be made. It will be a pleasing state for you to be in, as you'll feel both comfortable with your surroundings and excited about the potential for the future. You'll have a natural ability to create order from chaos, and you'll move in a slow and steady manner towards progress, which will provide ample change without being too shocking or scary. When it comes to romance or your career, you'll find your approach this year can bring you happiness and success. An established relationship can be revived with small but special changes -- maybe a date night each week for just the two of you. Or, if you've had trouble finding someone worth dating seriously, you might want to change your techniques. Join a progressive group or organization that you might not otherwise consider -- perhaps meeting someone who isn't quite so like-minded could spice things up a bit. And at work, just be your natural, hardworking self. Your employers will be impressed by you original and methodical approach to getting the job done. "
		"solar_return_planet": "Neptune",
		"natal_planet": "Saturn",
		"type": "Sextile",
		"orb": 2.79,
		"forecast": "From this birthday until next your spiritual world and material world will start to blend beautifully and they will continue to intermingle well throughout the year. This will be a pleasant, thoughtful experience as you'll likely become much more reflective and introspective. It's an excellent opportunity to develop a stronger understanding of your place in this world. Creative urges will be plentiful, but they won't be enough; you'll need to pull out whatever utensil you prefer, be it pen, brush, computer, hammer or something else, and turn your ideas into reality. Don't just turn to your imagination for escape, but use it as a guide to help you maneuver through this world. You may notice you're more cautious than usual because you're afraid that the ideals you dream up couldn't possibly come true in real life. Quite frankly, you'll be right. True perfection is impossible, and one of the lessons you'll need to learn this year will be that it's okay to accept something in an as-good-as-it-can-be state rather than holding out for an ideal that will never happen. You'll have the ability to make some amazing headway with your life as long as you don't let any fears of imperfection (or anything else) hold you back. "
var api = 'solar_return_aspects_report';
var userId = '<Your User Id>';
var apiKey = '<Your Api Key>';
var language = '<Your Language>' // By default it is set to en
var data = {
  day: 6,
  month: 1,
  year: 2000,
  hour: 7,
  min: 45,
  lat: 19.132,
  lon: 72.342,
  tzone: 5.5,

var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(userId + ":" + apiKey).toString("base64");

var request = $.ajax({
url: ""+api,
method: "POST",
headers: {
    "authorization": auth,
    "Accept-Language": language 

request.then( function(resp){
}, function(err){